
Future Proof Your Family

with Legacy Asset Protection


At Legacy Asset Protection, we specialize in designing comprehensive strategies that create an income stream for your retirement. Our approach ensures market gains without the risks typically associated with market volatility, providing you with financial stability and peace of mind throughout your lifetime.

Market Gains,

without Market Risk

Welcome to Legacy Asset Protection, where our mission is to make your retirement as comfortable and secure as the years you spent building your legacy. With personalized retirement planning, we maximize your income while eliminating risks, so you can enjoy a worry-free retirement.

Solutions for  Retirement

We tailor secure retirement plans to your unique financial goals. With our expert guidance, you can safeguard your wealth, minimize tax liabilities, and eliminate market risk, all while still benefiting from market gains.

Customizable Income Options

Choose flexible income options that fit your retirement needs.

Protect Against Market Volatility

Safeguard your principle and gains from market downturns.

Principle Protection Guaranteed

Your principle is guaranteed to never go down, or be reduced through fees and commissions.

Tax Free Solutions Available

We can customize tax free solutions for your IRA or 401k.

Key Benefits of Retirement Planning

with Legacy Asset Protection

Customizable Solutions Tailored to Each Family

Protection Against Market Volatility

We offer protection against market volatility, providing peace of mind in uncertain times.


Principal Protection

We can protect your initial investment from market downturns, ensuring your principal remains intact.

Guaranteed Income Stream Solutions

Provide a reliable, guaranteed income stream, ensuring financial security throughout retirement.

Tax-Deferred Growth 

Your investments grow tax-deferred, allowing for compounding over time without immediate tax liabilities, maximizing growth potential.

Family Security

Death benefits include 100% of your principle and gains being passed to your beneficiaries, non-contestible and without probate.

Take the First Step Towards

Future Proofing Your Legacy

At Legacy Asset Protection, we believe in a proactive approach to securing your financial future. To help you start on the right foot, we have streamlined the process into two simple steps that will set the foundation for a tailored financial strategy that meets your unique needs and goals.

Step 1:

Evaluate Retirement Readiness

Use our tool to assess your current financial situation and retirement readiness. This evaluation provides us with the insights needed to craft a strategy that meets your specific needs.

Step 2:

Schedule a Consultation

After completing your evaluation, schedule a personalized consultation with one of our experienced financial advisors. We’ll help you understand the best options available and tailor them to maximize your financial benefits.

At Legacy Asset Protection, we specialize in creating secure, tax-free retirement plans tailored to your unique financial goals. With our expert guidance and innovative strategies, you can enjoy financial stability and peace of mind throughout your retirement.

Tax-Free Income in Retirement

Tax-free income in retirement can significantly enhance your financial security. By minimizing your tax liability, you keep more of your money, which can be critical in maintaining your standard of living and achieving financial goals. This strategy also helps mitigate the risk of higher tax rates in the future.

Legacy Asset Protection


St George, Utah


(435) 538-2222

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Financial Readiness Calculator

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